Deprived by the lack of opportunity and a series of bad luck after losing his job, Domingo is left with no choice but to learn this laborious handicraft of bead working with his wife and children. Awkward for the men in the family at first, this craft turned out to be somewhat beneficial for the whole family for if food is so much more important for survival what else is there? This heart rending story of shame and scandal, passion and exploitation illustrate how poverty can drive a united family into the abyss of hopelessness, brokenness and destruction where many common things in their life waits to speak to them of the pain, to connect them to the inner spaces where deeper meaning lies. But hope springs eternal. With a decided heart to release the demons of the past, Veronica cries out to take all that is lost, to sear her soul in surrender. She saw glimmer in her darkness. She trusts that all is not lost.
Director: Ronny Poblacion
Cast: Chuck Luat, Mona Pico, Caye Leal, Keith Mamon, Rex Labid, JP Libo-On, Maica Mari Buenaflor, Chanicka Fullon, Klarrize Munoz, Jean Aubrey Garin, Scion Insular, Jet Salcedo