Driven with ambition and handsome looks, Adelbert (Estrada) is very optimistic to marry a rich girl.He pursues other women in their province, not minding his neighbor Elena who is in love with him but is not rich.One day, Elena accidentally overhears Adelbert that she is not the girl for him because of her status.Hurt, Elena leaves town. Soon after Edelbert realizes Elena is important to him and started looking for her.
Director: Artemio Marquez
Writer: Artemio Marquez
Stars: Joey Marquez, John Estrada, Angela Marquez, Perla Bautista, Jennifer Dimla, Flora Gasser, Richard Olney, Maricris Borja, Maricon Borja, Eva Amparado, Rosalinda Doña, Pat Salem, Randy Pimentel, Vivian Salazar, Michelle Sta. Ana, Josephine Ravo, Rollie Pestaño, Emy Acosta