Dess embarks on a soul searching journey and accidentally bumps into her ex-boyfriend who left her without any explanation.
Bombarded with so much why’s in her life, Dess embarks on a soul searching journey. Unknown to her, she is about to face the biggest why of her life when she accidentally bumps into Ejay, her ex-boyfriend who left her without any explanation. Will this open a new chapter in their foiled relationship or will this just be a prelude to a second heartbreak? Will this answer all the why’s in her life or will it just create more questions in her mind?
Director: Bona Fajardo
Writer: Abet Raz
Stars: Louise Delos Reyes, Germaine De Leon, Prince Stefan, Cecil Paz, Richard Manabat, Arvic Tan, Lesley Martinez, Shai Alnajjar, Benedict Campos, Mich Rapadas, Glenn Batuyong, Aileen Sahibad, Chryztlerr Henry Nicolas, Kayla Miralex Patoc, Juliefer Alegado, Heidi Valenzuela, Marites Lorenzo, Jofelyn Yamud