Ditas is a new recruit in the whorehouse of Xedes and was handled by the pimp Nonoy. The number one rule in the house is never to be intimate or fall in love with each other. However, Nonoy was captivated by Ditas’ beauty and personality that the two eventually had a relationship. Soon after Xedes learned of their grave offense, she fired Nonoy and the two got into a heated argument and fight that would later on meet its tragic ending.
Ditas, a recruit in the world of prostitution joins the whorehouse owned by Nanay Xedes and handled by the most favored pimp, Nonoy Laki. In the heat of the moment, he killed Nanay Xedes and the two were back to the scum of society.
Director: Erik Matti
Writers: Roy Iglesias (screenplay), Sigfreid Barros-Sanchez (story)
Stars: Jay Manalo, Aubrey Miles, Raquel Villavicencio, Pinky Amador, Hazel Espinosa, Paolo Rivero, Lynie Lim, Dez De Vera, Lalaine Enriquez, Lalaine De Gola, April Abellarde, Olive Gloria, Kimberly Nash, Junard Arah, Froilan Sales, Troy Gomez, Mark Reil Agaton, Paco Vargas