The plot of the movie unfolds through the testimonials of three young sisters: Uring, Luray, and Elya, who recount the grisly sexual molestation they experienced from their adoptive father Timo. The title was taken from the sisters’ work as stone tillers in a quarry where most residents earn their living. Apart from being an alcoholic and gambler, Timo is a sex pervert.
Director: Neal ‘Buboy’ Tan
Stars: Michael De Mesa, Alma Moreno, Pia Peron, Sachie Sanders, Jean Andrews, Coco Martin, Miguel Hernandez, Tonio Quiazon, Jet Alcantara, Emil Sandoval, Pia Moran, Zorayda Sanchez, Sofia Lee, Tita Swarding, Pipoy Jr., Nonong De Andres, Danny Labra, Bryan Taylor