Barangay 143 is a Japanese-Filipino anime television series currently airing on GMA Network. It premiered on October 21, 2018 nationwide on GMA Network and worldwide on GMA Pinoy TV, and will comprise 26 episodes. Produced by ASI Animation Studios and TV Asahi, the series is a collaboration between the Philippines’ Synergy88 and Singapore’s August Media Holdings, with assistance from Japan’s TV network TV Asahi.
The series features voice roles from a Filipino ensemble cast: including Migo Adecer, Julie Anne San Jose, Ruru Madrid, Kelley Day, John Arcilla, Edu Manzano, and Cherie Gil. Barangay 143 follows the coming of age story of a young man in search of a father and how he finds an unlikely family in a team of misfits trying to bring glory to their hometown. It’s a story about love and family set against the action-packed world of street basketball, where the stakes are always high and life is the biggest game you can win.